27.1 C

New ZESA Mining, Industrial, Commercial & Pumping Works tarrifs


ZESA has increased tariffs by 50% effective 23 September 2020.

In a Statement has said, “The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) has adjusted the electricity tariffs by 50%. This is in accordance with the Tariff Award of 2 October 2019, which approved the implementation of monthly tariff indexation formula for changes above 10%. Below are the tariffs in ZWL that will be applicable effective 23 September 2020”.

ZESA Tarrif increase for Mining, Industrial, Commercial & Pumping Works

4kV Supply
E3.1.04 ,E4.1.04
11kV Supply
E3.2.11, E4.2.11
33kV Supply
E3.2.33, E4.2.33
Distribution E6.1a
E6.1a) Fixed Monthly Charge$66.44$66.44$66.44$66.44
A monthly capacity charge per unit of demand$196.11$170.31$124.94$79.98
An interruptable demand chargen/n/an/an/a$59.99
On-Peak Energy charge per kWh$4.01$4.01$4.01$4.01
Standard Energy charge per kWh$2.15$2.15$2.15$2.15
Off-Peak Energy charge per kWh$1.23$1.23$1.23$1.23
Reactive Energy charge per KVArh$$0.35$0.35$0.35$0.35

i) The rates are exclusive of the 6% Rural Electrification Levy and 14.5% VAT. In terms of Statutory Instrument 168 of 2012, electricity charges for Domestic customers are zero-rated for VAT and in terms of Statutory Instrument 215 of 2005, fixed charges on Commercial and Domestic electricity are zero-rated for VAT.
ii) Maximum Demand (MD) customers are urged to peak during off-peak periods. For a customer who attains MD during off-peak, the applicable MD is the one attained during the peak or standard period.
iii) Reactive energy charge shall be applied to any reactive energy in excess of 48% ( power factor less than 0.90) of the active power recorded (kWh) during a billing period

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