17.3 C

13% of Zimplats procurement spend goes to LEDs


A total of 22 companies that are under ZIMPLATS’ Local Enterprise Development (LEDs) program have benefitted from Zimplats Expansion projects due to a guaranteed business through preferential procurement arrangements resulting in 10% to 13% of the company’s procurement going to the LEDs.

Rudairo Mapuranga

This was revealed during the official commissioning of ZIMPLATS’ US$104 million third concentrator plant in Ngezi last week.

According to Implats (Zimplats owners) Chairperson Thandi Orleyn Zimplats’ focus is not only on mining development but is extended to community inclusion resulting in the creation of LEDs and local industrialisation programmes to empower communities.

“Your Excellency, as Zimplats we don’t just focus on mining development but we embrace our communities and grow with them. Zimplats projects have opened opportunities for local businesses including a total of 22 companies that are under our Local Enterprise Development (LEDs) programme. These LEDs participate in the supply chain or as contractors. They have at least “guaranteed” business from Zimplats through some preferential procurement arrangements that we have with them. Your Excellency, approximately 10%-13% of our procurement spend goes to the LEDs.

“Your Excellency, the LEDs and local industrialisation programmes have had a significant transformative impact on our communities. They have promoted inclusive development, contributed to the Provincial GDP, creating employment opportunities, currently over 3 240 people are directly employed, fiscal contributions and contributed towards import substitution. Your Excellency, Zimplats remains committed to creating an empowered community. Various initiatives including Social Investment Programmes are being undertaken as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility Programme. We strongly believe that as a company, we need to go beyond this in support of the Government Policy on Economic Empowerment,” she said.

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