6 Chinese, a Zimbabwean die in an explosion at a Mazoe mine


Several people have been killed including a child and five Chinese workers at Sasai Mine in Mazowe after an oxygen tank exploded.   

Vongai Mbara  

This was revealed by the former Minister of Energy Fortune Chasi on his social media page.  

“Very sad development at Saisai mine Mazowe South Ward 20. Oxygen tanks burst killing several people who include 1 child, 5 Chinese workers,” he tweeted.  

He added, “Just for the record, this has not been reported by anyone as yet. This is information coming from the constituency. I have brought it to the attention of the relevant minister.”  

This provoked a lot of social media users who blamed Chinese miners for “cutting corners on safety and security.”  

“The Chinese have slack health and safety controls. It’s unfortunate that the relevant authorities who are supposed to enforce it are either well bribed or they are sleeping on the job,” one user commented on the issue.  

In a statement, the Zimbabwe Republic Police confirmed the incident and said it is carrying its investigation. 

“The ZRP is investigating the circumstances in which six foreign nationals, as well as a Zimbabwean, died when some gas cylinders exploded at SAS mine, Lowdale on 07/10/21.” The Police then released a further statement shortly confirming it was six people who had been killed by the explosion.

Some Chinese-owned companies have previously denied allegations that they were flouting safety regulations.  

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gold buying Zimbabwe

Mazowe is well known for its mines as the area is rich in several minerals including gold. There have been plenty of mining accidents in the area but these have been mostly on abandoned mines which are then co-opted by artisanal miners.  

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