Prospectors to interface with Mines Minister


Zimbabwe Prospectors Association (ZPA) will engage with the Minister of Mines and Mining Development Hon Winston Chitando on issues of development and growth of the mining industry to achieve the President’s US$12 Billion mining target by 2023.

Rudairo Mapuranga

Speaking at Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) AND approved prospectors Breakfast meeting held in Msasa on Wednesday, ZPA Secretary-General Mr. Timothy Chizuzu said it was of importance for prospectors to meet and engage the minister with regards to the challenges faced by prospectors which are usually a creation of the Mines Ministry officials.

The ZPA Secretary-General said engaging the Minister in a civilized matter was important to address issues affecting miners and prospectors as this would result in the sharing of ideas to solve the problem.

“On issues of development, we need to engage than being radical because solving a problem needs sharing of ideas,” Chizuzu said.

Speaking at the same event ZPA chairperson Mr. Frank Chatyoka said meeting the Minister was important for prospectors as this will help them register their concerns with the Minister regarding the Mines and Mineral bill.

“We just want to register our concerns on the bill and to share notes on the concerns of prospectors regarding the bill,” Said Chatyoka.

The meeting will be done prior to the proposed all stakeholder’s consultation regarding the bill, the Parliamentary portfolio committee on mines chairperson Edmond Mukaratigwa has repeatedly said that after the bill has been finalized it would be subjected to stakeholder scrutiny, through public consultations.

The call by prospectors to engage the Minister was applauded by ZMF President Ms. Henrietta Rushwaya saying that it was important for stakeholders to come up with solutions to the Minister that the US$12 BILLION target can be achieved.

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“The next meeting, we will be with the Minister, let us provide solutions than to always cry and criticize,” Rushwaya said.

The initial Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill was passed by Parliament, but President Mnangagwa declined to assent it and referred it back to Parliament.

The signing of the bill into law is seen by experts as critical to the attainment of the US$12 billion annual revenue by 2023.

Minister Chitando recently said that the mining sector is on track to meet the target and the ministry is presently carrying out an assessment of the performance of the industry since the launch of the roadmap in 2019, which is set to be released at the end of this quarter.

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