Mine owner killed after firing workers

A worker at a mine in Colleen Bawn has been arrested after he stabbed his employer to death with a kitchen knife for firing his two workmates.

Matabeleland South acting provincial police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Thabani Mkhwananzi confirmed the incident which occurred at Heathfield Mine in Colleen Bawn on Tuesday at around 9pm. He said the now deceased Nelson Ngwenya (55) dismissed two workers for allegedly stealing explosives and Nqobile Moyo (20) later teamed up with them and confronted their employer over the matter.

“I can confirm that we recorded a murder case which occurred at Heathfield Mine in Colleen Bawn. The now deceased who owned the mine, Nelson Ngwenya fired his two workers, Moses Banda (23) and Cuthbert Tshuma (24) for stealing explosives.

“On the same day at around 9pm, Ngwenya was seated with some of his workers at the mine when Moyo arrived with his two workmates that had been fired and confronted Ngwenya over the matter,” he said.

Asst Insp Mkhwananzi said Moyo went towards a shed which was close to where they were standing and picked up a kitchen knife. He said Moyo stabbed Ngwenya in the chest and his workmates restrained him. Asst Insp Mkhwananzi said Ngwenya died on the spot and his body was taken to the Gwanda Provincial Hospital mortuary. He said Moyo was arrested while Tshuma and Banda fled from the scene and were still at large. Asst Insp Mkhwananzi urged members of the public to desist from resorting to violence when faced with disputes.

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“We would also like to appeal to members of the public with information on the whereabouts of Tshuma and Banda to contact any nearest police station,” he said.

Sunday News

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