Tragic end to thieving gold mine workers

mine accident

TWO dead bodies of gold mine workers who allegedly died while attempting to steal ore from their employer were retrieved at the weekend at the Old Timer B Lowfield Gold Mine in Goromonzi, Mashonaland East province.

The deceased, identified as Kundai Jose and Richard Kamuchoriro, died after a mineshaft collapsed.

Their bodies were retrieved two days later.

Provincial police spokesperson Inspector Simon Chazovachii yesterday confirmed the incident, saying the bodies were taken to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals for post-mortem.

Chazovachii said on July 29, at around 9pm, the duo hatched a plan to steal gold ore from their employer, Gerald Chirau.

It is alleged that they told their colleague, Onesimo Mutero about their plans.

When they went down the shaft, Mutero heard some vibrations and realised that the mineshaft was collapsing.

He informed Chirau, who filed a police report. He hired an excavator, but failed to retrieve the bodies before villagers joined in and removed them manually.






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