ZDAMWU to sue Bucks Mine for negligence

ZMF President Henrietta rushwaya and Philimon mokuele

Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Minerals Workers Union (ZDAMWU) has announced that it is holding Bucks Mine owners responsible for the accident that claimed 7 lives at the mine and intends to sue the miner for gross negligence.

Rudairo Mapuranga

This comes after seven miners from Bucks Mine in Colleen Bawn died after hoisting ropes to a skip hoisting the 7 up the shaft from underground snapped, plunging them back on a free-fall of about 200 meters.

ZDAMWU General Secretary Justice Chinhema said his organisation was ready to sue Bucks Mine owners and he also sent condolences to the families of the deceased.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has announced that  Ezweni Masuku, who was the Mine Manager, Chrispen Ndlovu, a male adult aged 32 years of Nekatambe Hwange, Wisdom Munsaka, a male adult aged 28 years of Sinamagonde, Binga, Desire Ncube, a male adult aged 25 years of Hwange, Panganai Chimuka, a male adult aged 23 years, Mbangeni Chester, a male adult aged 59 years and Abie Mudimba (no further particulars known) died in the accident.

“The Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Minerals Workers Union would like to express its heartfelt condolences to the families of seven mine workers who recently died at Bucks Mine in Gwanda owned by Mr Philisani Moyo together with his brother Fisani Moyo. We are saddened that families have now lost breadwinners in an accident which we believe was avoidable.

“We are holding the mine owners responsible and they must be brought to account. We intend to sue the mine owners for gross negligence.

“We have gathered that the accident happened when the workers were being hoisted to the surface after the end of their shift and a rope hauling their lift snapped as they were about to reach the surface. Resulting in them plunging back down into the shaft which is more than 200 meters deep leading to their death.

“The bodies were retrieved on Tuesday through assistance from Mines Ministry officials and the Vumbachikwe Mine rescue team.

“We have gathered that the mine had been abandoned for too long and we were told it was recently acquired by new owners who only resumed operations earlier this month.

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“Zdamwu is going to be engaging the families of those who died for purposes of compensation. We have done this before and we intend to help the families in suing the mine owners for negligence.

“We have said time and again that safety regulations are not observed in small-scale mines and artisanal mining. This could have been avoided at all costs had proper safety standards been practised. People, employees must know that lives of Mineworkers matter first before profits and their own interests.

“We further call on the authority to invest more in education and awareness of miners on Safety and Health in the Mining Industry.  Many lives have been lost and it must be addressed,” Chinhema said.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police urges mine owners to religiously follow safety, health and environmental regulations at mine sites to ensure the safety of workers.

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