Kananji appointed Vubachikwe mine manager

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Duration Gold’s Vubachikwe mine has appointed Mr None Kananji as its Mine Manager to steer its development and sustainability agenda.

Prince Sunduzani

The company said it appointed Mr Kananji for his honesty and technical competency, which it said were key in meeting the company’s goal.

“As you are aware, Vubachikwe Mine continues to undergo a thorough business and operational review as part of the Vubachikwe Going Forward Programme”. In the short term we will make Vuba a sustainable and profitable mine for the benefit of all stakeholders,” said the director Allan Dolan.

Before his elevation, Mr Kananji was the company’s Underground manager and acting mine manager.

See Also
Thomas Gono President Chamber of Mines of Zimbabwe

Duration Gold

Duration Gold Limited offers gold exploration and production services. The company owns 5 core assets with historic production of 4.6 million oz. It also sells gold at international spot prices. The company was founded in 2006 and is based in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Duration Gold Limited operates as a subsidiary of Clarity Enterprises Limited.

One of its flagship gold mines is Vubachikwe, which is one of Zimbabwe’s oldest gold mines.

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