AMSZ Prepares for Its AGM in Nyanga

Association of Mine Surveyors of Zimbabwe (AMSZ)

The Association of Mine Surveyors of Zimbabwe (AMSZ) is gearing up for its Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Conference, scheduled to be held from November 20th to 22nd, 2024, at Troutbeck Resort in Nyanga.

By Rudairo Mapuranga

The event, coordinated by AMSZ events coordinator Stewart Gumbi, aims to ensure smooth and satisfactory proceedings through meticulous planning and partner engagement.

“The AGM and Conference will run under the theme: ‘From Survey to Strategy: Empowering Mine Surveyors as Leaders in the Mining Industry for a Sustainable Future,'” Gumbi stated, highlighting the focus on transforming mine surveyors into strategic leaders.

Expected Speakers

The conference will feature a lineup of distinguished speakers, including representatives from the Chief Government Mining Engineer (CGME), Chief Government Mine Surveyor (CGMS), the Chamber of Mines, the Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF), the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education (MHTE), the Permanent Secretary, the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE), and the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Mines, Association of Junior Mining Professionals of Zimbabwe (AJMPZ). All key mining houses are also expected to be in attendance.

The AMSZ’s AGM in Nyanga promises to be a pivotal event for the mine surveying profession in Zimbabwe, setting the stage for strategic leadership and sustainable growth in the mining industry. Through concerted efforts in regional collaboration, advocacy, capacity building, and marketing, AMSZ is poised to enhance its impact and foster a brighter future for mine surveyors in the SADC region and beyond.

Enhancing SADC Footprint

In response to how AMSZ plans to enhance its footprint in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, Gumbi detailed a comprehensive strategy aimed at regional collaboration, advocacy, capacity building, and improved marketing.

  1. Regional Collaboration and Partnerships:

AMSZ plans to collaborate with surveying organizations in SADC countries to share knowledge and resources. This includes partnerships with the Institute of Mine Surveyors of South Africa (IMSSA), University of Johannesburg, and South African enterprises.

Engage with Regional Mining Organizations: Building relationships with mining companies and industry bodies across SADC to create opportunities for AMSZ members.

Participate in Regional Mining Events:

Actively attending and contributing to regional mining conferences and workshops to raise AMSZ’s profile.


  1. Advocacy and Representation:


Standardize Regulations and Qualifications:Working with SADC governments to harmonize mine surveying standards, facilitating the movement of skilled surveyors between countries.

Regional Policy Participation: Representing mine surveyors in regional policy discussions to advocate for supportive policies.

  1. Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing:

Expand Training Programs: Offering AMSZ’s training programs to participants from other SADC countries through various platforms.

See Also

Develop a Knowledge-Sharing Platform: Creating an online forum for regional collaboration among mine surveyors.


  1. Marketing and Communication:

Enhance Online Presence: Developing a professional website and social media channels to promote AMSZ’s services (

Publish Research and Case Studies: Sharing success stories and case studies to highlight AMSZ’s impact.

Industry Publications and Media Participation: Contributing articles to mining publications to raise awareness of AMSZ’s contributions.

By implementing these strategies, AMSZ aims to position itself as a leading resource for mine surveying in the SADC region, expanding its influence and contributing to the sustainable development of the mining industry.

Speaking to Mining Zimbabwe, AMSZ President Gabriel Mwale outlined the key focus areas for his two-year term, stressing the importance of addressing legislative issues and the status of mine surveyors.

“The idea this year is to ensure we complete these items before the AGM. There is work to be done on Zimbabwe legislation regarding the surveyor and the status of the ticket,” Mwale stated. “We also need to work on becoming a more recognized association and increasing our footprint in the SADC and world regions. We are actively dealing with these tasks.

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