ZMF receives mining equipment in a US$2mil deal

Henrietta Rushwaya

THE Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) has received mining equipment from Lifetouch International Investments under a US$2 million partnership that will see the entity playing a huge role in supporting small-scale mining in the country.

The latest deal is part of synergies that ZMF embarked on in a bid to capacitate small-scale miners who are faced with capacity constraints, all in a bid to boost gold production. 

Lifetouch International Investments is a cement manufacturer based in Redcliff, Kwekwe. 

The US$2 million deal saw the mining federation receiving the first batch of equipment on Tuesday last week. 

The equipment includes generators, compressors, stone crushers and jaw crushers. The company also pledged more support for the mining sector through the supply of more equipment, fuel as well spares. 

Receiving the consignment at the company’s cement plant in Redcliff, ZMF president, Ms Henrietta Rushwaya, said the equipment will go a long way in strengthening the gold processing centres that Government is setting up across the country. 

“This contribution comes at a time when we are setting up gold centres across the country. It will certainly go a long way in ensuring that the small-scale mining sector will increase production. The partnership will also go a long way in ensuring that our gold processing centres across the country are well resourced,” she said.

Ms Rushwaya said with such synergies, the gold production sector was confident of surpassing this year’s gold output target of 40 tonnes.

“By so doing, we are trying to increase gold production and as of now, we are confident that we will meet, if not surpass the 40 tonnes earmarked for 2019. 

“We are also trying to increase investor confidence in the country by proving that companies can come and invest in Zimbabwe and have such kind of partnerships with local companies,” she said.

Ms Rushwaya said ZMF was also in the process of erecting spare parts shops for gold mining equipment under the partnership. 

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Lifetouch chief executive officer, Mr Don Wang, said the gesture was triggered by the realisation of the potential the small scale miners have in increasing the country’s gold production but lagging behind in the capacitation thereof.

“It is our pleasure to provide ZMF with mining equipment, and this is the duty that we should play in the development of Zimbabwe. We are focusing on the small-scale miners who have the potential but lack the capacity to produce. So, we partner with ZMF so that they can realise the full potential,” said Mr Don.

He said everyone in the country has a role to play towards the development of the country.

“We are also playing our role as a company towards the development of the country that we are in, that is Zimbabwe. Everyone has a role to play and we are leading by example that everyone should play a role,” said Mr Don.

Last month, ZMF entered another similar pact with Shurugwi based company Pabloz Investments and received equipment for use in the sector. Source: Chronicle

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