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Gvt to install solar systems at all airports


The Zimbabwean government has shifted its attention from thermal and hydropower to Solar power supply. The nation has been experiencing massive electricity power cuts, hence solar energy seems to be the only alternative to settle the prevailing electricity challenges.

Rudairo Mapuranga

The Minister of Energy, Hon Fortune Chasi has said that his government is making efforts to install solar systems in all airports in order to do away with electricity problems that the country is currently facing.

“Efforts are afoot to place all airports on solar… No stopping now” said Chasi through is official twitter handle.

Chasi also said that the government is working on solarizing all hospitals in a bid to reduce human error and death rates in the country.

On Monday Chasi announced that the government was working on powering all service stations with solar in order to introduce electric cars in the country.

Zimbabwe has been experiencing exorbitant power cuts since the beginning of this year due to many reasons, among them the fact that Zimbabwe was no longer getting power from South Africa power utility Eskom.

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