Chegutu Covid-19 case #36 is a small scale miner

Shutdown coronavirus

Chegutu reported Covid-19 case #36 has been confirmed to be a small scale miner. Sources told Mining Zimbabwe the mine worker tested positive to Covid-19 after being tested at his workplace in the Pickstone area of Chegutu district.

The Ministry of Health and Child Care (MHCC) in its daily reports yesterday stated that a 30-year-old male resident of Chegutu district had no recent history of travel or any known contact with a person with respiratory symptoms. The man was referred for (Polymerase Chain Reaction) PCR testing after testing positive on a screening test conducted at his workplace using a Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT).

Sources who are mine owners confirmed the aforementioned was a worker from one of the claims close to them. They reported the 30-year old tested positive and had to be referred to MHCC for more tests.

Zimbabwe Miners Federation President Ms Henrietta Rushwaya applauded efforts by mine owners for carrying out RDT tests on their workforce and advised miners to adhere to stipulated WHO guidelines.

“We encourage mine employers to take it upon themselves in ensuring that lockdown stipulated rules are adhered to and all WHO guidelines are followed. We are not out of the woods yet and we need to continue maintaining the social distance, wash hands with soap, wear masks and stay at our workplaces. We applaud the efforts made by fellow miners who are carrying out RDT tests at workplaces. We are in this together and we can only overcome this novel pandemic by adhering to regulations”.

MHCC reported that the man is asymptomatic, self-isolating at home with mild disease. Following the Covid-19 diagnosis, the Ministry said that it is now seized with contact tracing being assisted by the patient himself. The Ministry identified 7 of his contacts and these will be tested for Covid-19 in line with MHCC intensified surveillance strategy.

The Pickstone area is an active mining zone with one of Zimbabwe biggest gold producers Pickstone Peerless. The gold-rich area also has a lot of small-scale gold miners.

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Zimbabwe like most countries globally is currently fighting to contain COVID-19 virus. To date, Zimbabwe has 36 confirmed cases, including nine recoveries and four deaths. The public is, therefore, being encouraged to adopt a number of behaviours that prevent contracting COVID-19.

COVID-19 preventive behaviours include:

• Avoid close contact with anyone with a cold or flu-like symptoms.
• When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with tissue paper or flexed elbow- throw away the tissue immediately and wash hands
• Maintain a distance of at least a meter from the next person
• Use of Protective clothes at all times in workplaces.

We at Mining Zimbabwe wish each new day brings the miner closer to a full and speedy recovery. Get well soon Comrade!

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