Miners donate groceries to Kadoma families

Timothy Chizuzu

Kadoma Miners Association through, National Environment Awareness Trust (Neat) brought smiles to over a hundred families from Rimuka township in Kadoma when they donated food hampers worth thousands of USD.

By Rudairo Dickson Mapuranga

The donations came at a time many people in the country are struggling to make ends meet due to the lockdown measures which have affected many businesses especially the generality of Zimbabweans who survive from hand to mouth.

According to the founder of NEAT who is also Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) Youth in Mining chairperson Mr. Timothy Chizuzu miners came up with this initiative to give people hope that there will always be life after the pandemic.

“The impact of Covid-19 is a horror to all the nations as it has crippled economies, negatively affecting the generality of the public. The pandemic might have crippled economics but won’t kill our hope. The reason why we came up with this initiative, is a reminder to people that there is always life.” He said.

Chizuzu said that his organisation (NEAT) approached the Kadoma Miners Association so that miners give back to the community.

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“As an organisation, we approached the Kadoma Miners Association to extend a helping hand to donate grocery hampers to at least 100 families in Rimuka Kadoma.” Said Chizuzu.

NEAT managed to identify the disadvantaged and the needy through the help of community organisations such as Runyararo Children’s Trust, PAPWC Zim, Action Children Plus, and other leaders in Rimuka.

Companies such as Tshuma Milling, Mrasta Mining, Sack 4 Mine, Gwanzura Mines, Tichheadly Mine, and Cossy Trading contributed.

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