Hwange energy and mining firms urged to invest in social amenities

COMPANIES flocking into the energy and mining sectors in Hwange have been urged to invest in social amenities such as housing, schools, clinics and roads to assist in the growth of the town.

Of late the coal mining town has experienced an increase in the number of companies venturing into mining and processing of coal.

However, this has not translated into infrastructure development of the town as most have been relying on Hwange Colliery Company to accommodate their workers.

Addressing officials from various local authorities and various stakeholders in Hwange on Thursday, Minister of National Housing and Social Amenities, Daniel Garwe implored the companies to partner with councils in ensuring the development of social amenities.

“We are aware that about a month ago the President was here commissioning several mining companies that have come to invest in Hwange resulting in growth. That growth trajectory in terms of mining needs to be supported by adequate, modern and sustainable human settlement. We are basically here to ensure that no employee must be homeless during and after employment in a company. We are aware of the disaster that has been created in certain areas where we have mining villages that were created and the mines have closed and the people are still there but there are no social amenities.”

He said there was a need to modernise and urbanise mining areas to ensure they speak to the President’s vision that Zimbabwe attains an upper middle-income economy status by 2030. He said in order for Hwange to be turned into a town or city local authorities and the private sector needed to work together to push the agenda.

Hwange is run by four quasi authorities namely Hwange Local Board (HLB), Hwange Colliery Company, Zimbabwe Power Company and National Railways of Zimbabwe. He said there was a need to revise most by-laws which were developed during the colonial period around 1943 while imploring for the championing of modern standards and climate resistant structures.

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The minister later toured housing projects that included Don Bosco, Empumalanga Phase 4 and West under HLB.


Sunday News

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