ZMF Meet the Minister event 2020 – Key points

Winston Chitando

Today is meet the Minister event in Kwekwe where the Mines Minister gets to meet and hear challenges faced by Artisanal and Small-scale miners across the country.

These are the key points that have been raised by several miners whilst awaiting the arrival of the Minister: –

• Formalisation
• Direct competition from Foreigners (Chinese to be precise) If you go to MMD offices whilst being served if they see foreign nationals, they will quickly rush to serve the foreigners whereas it should be first come first serve bases.
• Lack of support from the government
• Lack of support from Financial institutions
• Change of policies chasing away investors
• Lack of Gvt retention on-base minerals

• MMD should also focus on devolution
• Discord between MMD and MOF
• Corruption from MMD officials
• EMA taking time to visit Mines for EIA
• Fidelity should improve on payments

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