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Afrochine donates fuel to Mberengwa Hospital


In an endeavour to fight the surge of the Covid-19 pandemic in Zimbabwe, the largest ferrochrome producer, Afrochine Smelting Private donated fuel to Mberegwa Hospital to assist in its operations.

Anerudo Mapuranga

The company speaking on its official Twitter handle said Mberengwa hospital was delighted to receive the fuel donation from the company.

“Yesterday, Mberengwa Hospital in the Midlands Province, warmly acknowledged our donation of fuel to assist the institution in its operations, esp for #Covid19 outreach and contact tracing. We have been at hand to assist them for a period now,” Afrochine said.

The company last month in its effort to fight the pandemic organized Covid-19 vaccinations for its staff, with more than 2000 already having had their first jabs.

The company procured the vaccines from the national Covid-19 stocks and brought in Chegutu district health department, using Selous Clinic staff, to administer the jabs.

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