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Amplats Records Zero Fatalities for Two consecutive Years


Unki Platinum Mine’s parent company, Anglo American Platinum (Amplats), in 2023, and for the second consecutive year, recorded zero fatalities at its mines, which include Mogalakwena Mine, Amandelbult Mine, Mototolo Platinum Mine, Kroondal Platinum Mine, Modikwa Platinum Mine, and Shurugwi-based Unki Mine.

Rudairo Mapuranga

The two-year period is Amplats’ longest fatality-free period to date and reached a record low total recordable case frequency rate (TRCFR) of 1.61 per one million hours worked. This represents a year-on-year improvement of 31 per cent and an improvement of 85 per cent since 2012.

Amplats’ Mogalakwena, Mototolo, and Unki Mines have reported more than 11 years of fatality-free mining, with Amandelbult Mine recording 9.6 million fatality-free shifts.

In terms of employee health and well-being, the group established wellness initiatives across our operations that cover HIV, Tuberculosis (TB), and chronic diseases for employees and contractors. In 2023, we continued to focus on mental health, gender-based violence (GBV), along with alcohol and drug abuse.

“All employees with chronic conditions are monitored regularly through our occupational health clinics to minimize associated risks. Based on our assessments in 2023, 20.1 per cent of our workforce had hypertension, and 5.5 per cent had diabetes mellitus.

‘Our heart-health program gained traction, with 99 per cent of employees receiving their heart-health score, in 2023,” THE GROUP said in part.

Unki is one of the leading three Platinum miners in Zimbabwe.

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