The Association of Mine Surveyors of Zimbabwe (AMSZ) has pledged to work flat out to ensure that Mine surveyors are clearly defined and their duties clearly spelt in the Mines and Minerals bill.
Rudairo Mapuranga
Speaking at the AMSZ Annual General Meeting and Conference in Victoria Falls on Thursday, the organisation President Mr Gabriel Mwale said AMSZ was going to make sure that the mines bill is made better for mine surveyors and that their roles and qualifications included in the bill for clear management of surveyor’s work.
He said the previous bill which was rejected by the cabinet had many flows as it did not clearly define the work and role of mine surveyors and what qualifications should they hold.
He said to protect the survey industry Mine surveyor’s certificate of competency should be made a requisite for all mine surveyors in Zimbabwe.
“We were able to participate in the mines draft bill and they are things that we were worried about, the bill was silent on the mining cadastre. As surveyors we are also not sure what our qualifications should be, we need to be sure to protect our industry. We need a definition of a mine surveyor. The Mines Surveyors Certificate of Competency represents us as mine surveyors it will be modelled according to the Mines and Minerals Act just like land surveyors. Land Surveyors are defined by the Land Act and what they do is defined in that Act. We will make sure that the mines bill is made better for surveyors,” Mwale said.