17.7 C

Assistance to People with Disabilities in Mining


My name is Moses Marufu Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF), Secretary for People with Disabilities in Mining.

I just want to make this reminder to all Miners that the of 3rd December of each year is a special day for *People with Disabilities* called International Day of People with Disabilities. It’s a day as miners that we should commemorate as our operations have a 15% say mine accidents causing disabilities.

Causes of Disabilities

Disabilities are caused by many factors that include health issues: road accidents mining and late the scourge of machetes. Let’s all reflect on the day and give all the support to victims of mining: bus accidents etc.

This could be in the form of miners advocating for mining policies that support disabled people. The current returned Mines and Minerals bill 2015 is such a good chance for all to put inputs. Your inputs in embracing People with  Disabilities in mining: a new baby in the mining industry is most welcome. We need more inputs from your peer established miners.

Disabled miners are often taken away from their area of interest ie “vachinzi chigarai kumba maremara hamuchagone”. Translated “you must now Stay at home you are no longer able as you are now disabled”

As Secretary of People with Disabilities, I urge you all to give us a chance in mining. We want all structures in the ministry of mines to have a disability desk at the district, provincial and national levels. This also includes the Chamber of Mines.

NB. Zimbabwe Miners Federation has set the right cue.

Assistance to People with Disabilities in Mining

Established miners and suppliers of mining equipment and services should also come on board to assist the new baby in mining. Established miners must cede some of their tributes to Pwds and give all the necessary support in terms of management for a period until PWDs grasp mining. Suppliers of services and equipment are also asked to partner Pwds in mining.

And in turn, the Government should reward such companies in the form of juicy rebates for other big mines to follow suit. That’s empowerment to Pwds in miming.
Security of Miners especially PWDs

As miners we aren’t safe, the issue of machete is yawning disability on its own. Both non-disabled and Disabled miners need protection. We call upon legislators to enact laws that are deterrent that include no representation at court.


The policymakers should take heed of this as they will benefit too when disabled. We wish no one that condition but what’s good for a disabled person is good for everyone that includes ramps automatic cars and cellphones.
Appeal to Provincial Mines Directors.

It is very encouraging that two Provincial Mines Directors are embracing People with Disabilities who are keen to go into mining as they have accepted our appointment to see them especially on the allocation of claims. We appeal to other PMDs in other regions to do the same.

Appreciation to Ministry of Mines

In the same vein, our Ministry of Mines should be recognised for giving one of us employment in Mashonaland Central. We appreciate that heartily as we feel accepted in our endeavors. PWDs should be made aware of extension services by the Ministry of mines that include reconnaissance geological and induced Polarisation. All we need is to get up and be involved in mining.

United Nations Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD)

This document gives rights to PWDs welfare. As people with disabilities, in general, we need this piece of document’s domestication. Its non-domestication affects our rights. Disabled people have been marginalised for too long a time.

Solidarity messages could be sent to 0713840078 App Please note this is not a SONA but a reminder that the disability box is a bottomless pit.

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