Blessing Hungwe, Magaya Impasse Resolved

Member of the Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) Women in Mining Blessing Hungwe has stopped court proceedings against the Founder of Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries, Walter Magaya.

Hungwe who was ready to take the man of the cloth to court over her Mazoe mine invasion by Magaya agreed to settle the matter outside the courts of law.

Magaya allegedly invaded the mine with the help of a former farmer of the land and a local legislator who both were given shares of the mine by Hungwe.

It is believed that Magaya knew that the mine belonged to Hungwe but wanted these two to push Hungwe out so that he would take full control of the mine, Hungwe is the major shareholder and the holder of the mining certificate of the mine.

Speaking to Mining Zimbabwe Hungwe said she was going to sit down and talk to Magaya.

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Nick Ndebele

“ I was about file an urgent application with the High Court of Zimbabwe against Magaya this morning. I however have agreed to settle the matter outside the court.” She said.

Ask whether she would consider working with Magaya, Hungwe said chances were very low that a partnership between the two would materialize.

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