Breaking: Foreign currency ban false, RBZ

The Bank has noted with serious concern the continued circulation of false and malicious articles on social media alleging that Zimbabweans will no longer be able to pay for goods and services in foreign currency, particularly one article captioned

“Foreign currency no longer legal tender”. These articles and statements are false and should be treated with the contempt they deserve, as there is no policy or law that prohibits the use of foreign currency in Zimbabwe as alleged.

The articles are at the behest of irresponsible, mischievous and malicious people who are always bent on purveying false statements calculated to cause unnecessary anxiety, panic, alarm and despondency within the economy. The statements are also calculated to discredit Government and the Bank’s progressive efforts and achievements in stabilising and growing the economy.

See Also

The Bank wishes to reiterate that the public can pay for goods and services in local currency or foreign currency in accordance with the laws of the country and that they should ignore the malicious rumours being circulated on social media.

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