Chemplex in the development of new animal healthcare products


Chemplex Corporation, a subsidiary of the State-owned Industrial Development Corporation of Zimbabwe (IDCZ), has announced the development of new animal healthcare products, contributing to the country’s push for import substitution and value addition. The Ministry of Industry and Commerce’s recent report highlights that Chemplex has expanded its offerings to include tick grease, cotton pesticides, and grain protectants.

Zimbabwe had previously relied on importing these products, but the localization of their production will enable the country to save substantial amounts of foreign currency. The ministry emphasized that this product diversification by local firms through research and development aligns with the import substitution thrust.

“In line with our import substation thrust, we are now witnessing product diversification by local firms, through research and development,” the ministry said in the report.

“Chemplex Corporation, a subsidiary of the Industrial Development Corporation of Zimbabwe which is involved in public and animal health produced the first ever Zimbabwean-made tick grease called Contratrick to preserve our national herd which has declined due to a shortage of dipping chemicals,” the industry and commerce ministry added.

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Chemplex Corporation, a key player in agriculture, municipal water treatment, livestock production, mining, and other sectors, is a pivotal group within Zimbabwe’s economy. Established in 1928 as a subsidiary of AECI South Africa and acquired by the IDCZ in 1990, Chemplex comprises subsidiaries such as ZimPhos, Dorowa Mine, GD Haulage, G&W Industrial Minerals, and operating divisions including Chemplex Marketing and Chemplex Agro Pharma (CAPH). Additionally, the company holds a 50% stake in the Zimbabwe Fertilizer Company and a 36% stake in Sable Chemical Industries, solidifying its role in the national fertilizer industry.

Chemplex’s recent innovation also includes cough syrup (Cofsol), water treatment chemicals, Covid-testing equipment, and lime for farming. These new products contribute to the revival of Zimbabwe’s manufacturing industry, which has witnessed significant growth in recent years.

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