China frets over negative publicity

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THE Chinese embassy in Zimbabwe has claimed that some unnamed Western media outlets were on a smear campaign to discredit its investments.

This follows media coverage of various incidents involving relocation of locals in areas where Chinese mining companies have claims.

“Some Western media outlets keep smearing Chinese investment in Zimbabwe by making and spreading fake news,” the embassy said in a statement yesterday.

“They are not guardians of the interests of the Zimbabwean people, but guardians of illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe. Spooking Chinese investors in Zimbabwe is what they really want.”

Chinese mining companies have been accused of violating labour laws and human rights in areas they were operating.

In Marange, Manicaland province, Chiadzwa villagers are resisting eviction to pave the way for diamond mining by Chinese company Anjin Investments.

In Hwange, Matabeleland North province, 600 Dinde villagers are fighting government over a proposed coal mining project by Chinese mining company, Beifa Investments, as they fear displacement.

In Mutoko, 50 families are reportedly facing eviction to pave way for a granite mining venture by Chinese company, Jinding Mining Zimbabwe.

But in a statement, the company refuted the allegations.

It stated that only three families would be displaced, adding that two of the three families had been compensated.

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“There is a malicious and false accusation currently being circulated to the effect that Jinding has not properly compensated two Mutoko families for relocating those families from the Jinding mining claims there.  As for the so-called relocation of 50 households, it is even more rumours and slander. The fact is that the mining project only involves relocation of three families. These accusations are completely groundless. Jinding has all relocation contracts and payment proof of proper compensation for the two families relocated by Jinding arising out of its mining operations,” the company .




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