17.7 C

Chrome investors offering subtle deals


Sharai Makota who is a chrome claim holder in Darwandale expressed distress that her claim is now a curse in disguise following the devastating condition she lives in. She told Mining Zimbabwe that, she anticipated quite a number of investors to advance in her project since she was of the view that when one ventures into mining and holds a claim, investors will flow in and begin to invest in the project , nonetheless this has not been palpable in Makota’s mining journey.

Mirirai Melissa Ngoya

Miss Makota is all set to begin chrome mining operations after holding her claim for quite a while. She told Mining Zimbabwe that there seems to be hope that the work will soon commence after considering the deals she has to sign with the foreign investors.

However, investors to partner with Miss Makota have been obstacles in her mining journey, she highlighted that she recently met egotistic investors who are looking forward to profiting at the expense of the whole nation.

“Recently I have come across three different investors but their deals are to profit themselves at the expense of me and the Zimbabwean nation.”

Miss Makota revealed to Mining Zimbabwe that the first group of people who have sought partnership with her are a Chinese group and they have pledged to pay her seven dollars per chrome tone which she contested that it is not provident for her considering the whole efforts she has been putting for her to get the claim.

“The second one is offering a deal where I get 30 % of the produce whilst they take away 70 % from me, this I can for sure tell that it might help me to sustain my family, and the group is comprised of black Americans and they have said that they will supply all the machinery required what they just need is 30% of what I have produced.”

“I am hoping to finalise the deal with this American team since they have highlighted that the deal is open for me hence this means  that I will maintain the machinery and offer labour services.”

“When I ventured into this sector I did not know that investors are tricky if they happen to come your way, their deals are sometimes there to exploit you.”

Secured investment opportunities are inaccessible for Miss Makota to start operations as the investors who are coming her way are offering subtle deals hence she is afraid to approve lest she loses everything.


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