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Economic development rests in the mining industry


The economy of Zimbabwe which was previously believed to be dominated and sustained by the Agriculture sector is slowly becoming ignited by the mining sector despite the sector’s short fall in tax paying and value addition mechanics.

Dickson Rudairo Mapuranga

The mining industry which is rumored to have produced a revenue of over 3 billion USD have the aptitude and capability to transform Zimbabwe into the most thrilling economy on earth. Almost all minerals under the sun are largely available in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe is on a path towards development and revitalization of the socio-economic as well as political spheres in order to create a strong, vibrant and powerful nation on earth. The mining industry have all it takes to get Zimbabwe towards an amazing investment destination.

How mining can transform Zimbabwe?

The mining sector for a record have been able to transform nations into powerful economic house of the world, for example the United States dollar rose into becoming one of the strongest currency on earth due to the fact that it was backed by gold.

The mining sector in Zimbabwe will not be transformed by the government but will rather will be transformed by mining players through their tireless working with the ground and as well negotiating with the government for clear and fair mining laws.

The mining industry has all it takes when it comes to industrial growth, maintenance and development. Most industries operate under the grace of the mining sector, it is the will of the mining sector to establish a strong economy and the creation of industries in Zimbabwe. Many industries closed in Zimbabwe after the exodus fall of mining giants like the African Associated mines of Gaths mine, Mashaba and Shabani.

It is high time mining players create a formidable coalition for the growth of the sector, the mining sector needs to create at least one mine or mineral polishing plant or better a large factory once every year rather than waiting for government intervention, we have tested that, it usually will not work as anticipated.

In order to transform Zimbabwe the mining industry also need to start creating or emerging with the Agriculture sector for mutual relations backup and funding. After all the two sectors will in many ways work hand in glove. The two sectors are largely responsible for the creation of industries that processes of raw materials into finished products.

The mining sector in Zimbabwe due to the fact that it can fund handsomely the agricultural industry, it is another way miners need to look so as to transform Zimbabwe.

Challenges that can be faced and possible solutions.

One writer once said that, “Politics is bad for business”. Politics in Zimbabwe have been accused to have single handedly destroyed the economy of Zimbabwe which was essentially the bread basket of Africa to a begging bowel. It is high time miners place a further distance from politics and focus on building the industry. Politics in Zimbabwe have become a parasite that weakens the mining sector. The industry need to be directly independent from politics in order to become relevant when it comes to economics delectation in Zimbabwe.

Rivalries are good for business growth and expansion but without mutual understanding and engagement, that competition becomes hostility and unproductive. Mining players need to set competition upon themselves, however, they should be working together in making the mining industry an attractive and look after sector.

What the mining industry instantly need to do?

The growth of the mining sector is sorely in the indicators of mining players themselves rather than any outside force. The mining industry should focus rapidly on creating mineral polishing plants in Zimbabwe like what platinum miners have done. The industry need to move from individualism to modern communalism if the country or the industry need to be ranked among the most noticeable industry in the world.

The future of the mining industry lays in mining players working together creating an industry that is well united in growth and development.

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