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Encouraging results on drilling programme at Blanket


The Blanket Mine is pleased to announce that the results of its recent deep-level drilling program have been encouraging.

Patricia Rwafa

The drilling program was designed to explore the potential of the mine’s deeper horizons, and the results have exceeded expectations. This is great news for the mine and its investors, as it suggests that there is still a lot of potential for growth at the Blanket Mine.

These results follow the Eroica ore body drilling results published on July 10, 2023.  A total of 7,652 metres of drilling from June 2023 to the end of December 2023 indicated that the existing Blanket and Eroica ore bodies have grades and widths which are generally better than expected. Total drilling for 2023 was 13,280 metres.

“Our ongoing drilling campaign continues to demonstrate encouraging results, further improving our confidence in the Blanket resource.  We anticipate that the positive grades and widths will result in an increased overall resource, which in due course should result in the extension of the existing life of the mine,” said Mark Learmonth, Caledonia’s CEO.

“We have invested heavily in Blanket over the last seven years to increase production capacity, resulting in a mine infrastructure that can sustain production beyond the current production horizon”.

“Drilling is currently focused on the Blanket and Eroica ore bodies, where crosscuts have been mined to allow optimal access to drill the deeper zones of the steeply dipping ore bodies. These results are extremely promising, and we look forward to the next phase of drilling and to updating the market accordingly,” he said.

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