17.1 C

Fatal injury at Zimplats


A Zimplats underground support leader whom social media were awash with news that he died, confirmed suffered serious injuries and died at Zimplats’ Mupfuti Mine in Ngezi, this is according to the company’s Chief Executive Officer Mr. Alex Mhembere.

Rudairo Dickson Mapuranga

In a letter sent to the company’s stakeholders and the media, Mr. Mhembere said that investigations about the incident were still underway, however, initial reports suggest that Richard Mapuranga, a support team leader aged 42 succumbed to injuries in a fall of ground incident whilst barring down.

The Zimplats chief further went on to assure its stakeholders that the mine is committed to delivering a safe working environment.

Reports of fatal accidents at Zimplats mines are very rare, the mining firm is one of the companies in Zimbabwe that priorities safety.

The mine’s Chief Executive letter reads,

Zimplats is deeply saddened to confirm a mine fatality incident that occurred at Mupfuti Mine in Ngezi yesterday. While investigations are underway initial reports indicate that Richard Mapuranga, a support team leader, aged 42, succumbed to injuries sustained in a fall of ground incident whilst barring down. It is indeed a difficult time for the whole Zimplats team. Our sincere condolences go out to his family and friends. As a company, we remain committed to delivering a safe working environment for all our employees.

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