Gold dealing licence now pegged at US$200 000

gold buying Zimbabwe

Gold dealing license fees have now been pegged at us$200 000 per year.

This was announced by the Minister of Finance and Economic Development via Statutory Instrument 32 of 2023.

The SI reads

“IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Finance and Economic Development, in terms of section 19 of the Gold Trade Act [Chapter 21:03], made the following regulations:

  1. These regulations may be cited as the Gold Trade (Licence Fees) (Amendment) Notice, 2023 (No. 1).
  2. The Gold Trade (Licences Fees) Notice, 1978, published in Rhodesia Government Notice 256 of 1978 is amended by the repeal of paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 and the substitution of—“SCHEDULE 2 (Section 2) LICENCE FEESLicence                                                                  Fee US$

    Gold dealing licence…………………………………. 200 000.00.”.

What is a gold dealing license?

Gold Dealing License is issued by the Minister of Finance and Economic Development. It authorises individuals and companies to buy, refine and export gold.

“This is not the same with the Gold buying agent permits. Fidelity Gold Refinery (Pvt) Ltd issues Gold buying agent permits while the Ministry of Finance Issues Gold dealership licenses,” Fidelity Gold Refinery (Pvt) Ltd Magamombe said.

See Also
gold buying Zimbabwe

Gold buying license

To get a gold buying permit interested parties visit FGR.  An interview will be scheduled and in the interview, they should be prepared to commit to the gold quantities they are able to buy per month. It is a must that this target is met. Licenses are issued on a monthly basis and should the license holder not meet the monthly target the license will not be renewed.


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