Gold panning couple arrested for murder

Miners arrested for impersonating Police and Army officials

A gold panning couple was arrested for murder after killing their two-year-old daughter in the Hunyani River on the 30th of August 2020.

BY Precious Chikuruwo

Posting on their Twitter handle the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) said investigations have been instituted on the couple who took their daughter when they went for gold panning in Hunyani River on the 30th 0f August 2020.

The unspeakable act came to light after on 13 of October 2020 after a domestic dispute where the woman revealed the murder of the child due to a beating by the father.

In the report, the Police stated that the secretly buried two-year-old was exhumed.

“The victim who was secretly buried on the river bank has since been exhumed”.

See Also
gold buying Zimbabwe

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