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GRAPHIC VIDEO: Blood & Guns at Gweru Mine as worker clashes with Chinese bosses


Two videos, one of them very graphic, are making rounds on mining WhatsApp groups.

In the first video, a disgruntled worker at Ming Chang Sino Africa Company (MCSA), is demanding his us$600 salary. The man is seen frustratingly swinging an excavator to keep an armed Chinese man at bay. He is heard on video saying he wants his money and he wants to go to Harare.

Several men are also seen in the video among them the Chinese man armed with a pistol. The Chinese man periodically points a firearm at the worker, despite a local man gesturing him not to do so.

The man stops swinging the excavator and mentions something about the Police. He then says in Ndebele, “Abanginike imali yami ngihambe,” translated means “They must give me my money so that I leave”.

The disgruntled worker then says, “Uyabuya nombobo lo, uyafela ejele,” loosely translated he said, “He is bringing a gun, he will die in prison”.

The video ends with the camera holder saying using a gun is a criminal offence.

The last video is very graphic, showing the disgruntled worker now subdued. A pool of Blood is seen with four Chinese men tying the man’s legs and hands behind him. They use their body weight to keep the now-dominated worker to the ground.

Two Chinese men are armed with firearms with one particular one seated on top of the disgruntled worker pointing the firearm directly at the man’s head. He periodically points the gun at the man’s face shouting angrily and returning the firearm back to the the worker’s head.

In the video, the cameraman is heard asking why the Chinese were not rushing the man to the hospital.

An injured Chinese man is also observed seated a short distance from the fiasco.

This publication contacted the National Spokesperson for the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Assistant Commissioner Nyathi who said he would revert with a response.

Unconfirmed reports say this happened in Vungu, Silobela. Currently, Mining Zimbabwe awaits more information from the Police.

WATCH the video below


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