Hwange Colliery invites scrap metal dealers

HWANGE Colliery Company Limited (HCCL) is inviting tenders from “eligible” dealers to buy scrap metal at the firm’s concession in Matabeleland North Province.

In a statement, HCCL said the request for invitation to tender was issued by the company’s engineering department for the buying of scrap metal that had been disposed of in the form of obsolete equipment and plant structures.

“The company invites eligible scrap metal dealers to submit sealed tenders for the purchase of scrap metal in HCCL. The bidders should demonstrate their technical and financial capability to prepare, load and transport the scrap metal from HCCL concession,” said the colliery.

Completed bids should be addressed and delivered at HCCL offices in Hwange before close of business on Friday 18 March 2022.

Meanwhile, in the past concerns have been raised by industry over the continued exportation of scrap metal as the move was disadvantaging local businesses who need the raw material.

Given that Zisco was not operational, scrap metal has become a critical value chain component hence it is in high demand locally and abroad.

However, the Government has announced that it has secured a local investor, Kuvimba Mining House, as a strategic partner to revive Zisco, which ceased operations in 2008.

The closure of the company that was once Zimbabwe’s steel manufacturing giant was largely due to maladministration and the adverse impact of the illegal sanctions.

Kuvimba has reportedly proposed to invest up to US$1,3 billion over three years to revive operations at Zisco.

In the past, efforts to resuscitate Zisco hit a brick wall after foreign investors such as Essar Global, Jindal Steel and Power as well as Global Steel Holdings of India and Hong Kongbased firm, R and F, failed to agree on terms with the Government leaving stakeholders dejected.

However, stakeholders have expressed optimism that the selection of Kuvimba Mining House as the lead investment partner in the resuscitation of Zisco would yield positive results this time around.

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Kuvimba is a reputable player in the mining and metals sector and has previously been involved in the resuscitation of Jena Gold Mine in the Midlands province as well as Shamva Gold Mine in Mashonaland Central province.

The industrial sector has also highlighted that due to scrap metal exports, local firms were being compelled to spend more importing the scrap and thus rendering the domestic players uncompetitive.

Scrap metal is largely used by steel manufacturers and foundries


The Chronicle

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