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Illegal mining destroying Chivero


Zimbabwe’s largest inland man-made dam, Lake Chivero is under siege from artisanal miners who are threatening the survival of one of the largest tourist attraction centres in Harare, Zimbabwe.

By Rudairo Mapuranga

The city of Harare has laid several complains that the activities of these artisanal miners along Lake Chivero mountain are causing a lot of environmental problems like land degradation and water population.

The Mayor of Harare Mr Hebert Gomba told Mining Zimbabwe that the City Council had called on the Harare Metropolitan province Minister to look into the issue in order to safeguard the lake.

Mr Gomba said that the minister will assist the city council with police officers who will intercede in the protection of the area from illegal mining activities around the land.

“I have asked the Provincial Minister to help us with police to protect Chivero dam, which is under siege from these miners, the mountain is a wall that protects our dam.

Besides, mining uses mercury and other dangerous substances which if gets into water will kill our people, this must be stopped …” said Mayor Gomba.

Recently Chegutu West House of assembly constituency representative Hon Dexter Nduna had called on the government to legalize the artisanal mining sector or risk environmental problems with these miners because they won’t stop mining illegally.

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