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List of successful EPOs in Zimbabwe


List of Successful EPOs in Zimbabwe

This is the comprehensive list of successful EPOs in Zimbabwe. Some of the EPOs on this list gave the rise to some of the biggest and highest-grossing mines in Zimbabwe.

EPO NoDiscovery
85Perseverance Nickel Mine, Delcia Gold Mine
137Sheckleton Copper Mine, Avondale Copper
92-3, 97-8 and 113-7Sandawana Emerald Mine
4, 42 and 82Mhangura and Nora Mine
3 and 16Silverside Copper Mine
15Umkondo Copper Mine
24 and 28Buchwa Iron Ore Mine
11Opheus Ore Deposit
35Alaska Copper Mine
38Empress Nickel Mine
57Inyala Chrome Mine
79Chegutu Limestone Deposit
80Shamrock Copper Mine
55, 72 and 178Trojan Nickel Mine
1041 and 184Madziwa Nickel Mine
169 and 231Shamva-Cymric Mine
171Jonnasch Gold Mine
181 and 195Gwaai River Copper Mine
204Inyati Copper Mine
239Epoch Nickel Deposit
233 and 352Shangani Nickel Deposit
22, 27, 77, and 78Copper Queen and Copper King mines
13Lubimbi Coalfields
19Tuli Coalfields
50 and 112Bubye Coalfields
127, 128, 130, 188, 189, 194, 203, and 260Great Dyke Investments Platinum =Nickel – Copper Deposit
391 and 406Zinc Mineralisation in the eastern portion of the Zambezi Metamorphic belt
446Sengwa Coal Deposit
578Kanyemba Uranium Deposit
601Royal Family Gold Mine
613Freda Rebecca Mine
628Expansion of Golden Kopje Mine
629Expansion of Blanket Mine
654Platinum Resources in the Snakehead (Great Dyke)
689Considerable Gold resources in the Dindi Greenstone Belt
692One Step gold deposit
721Maligeen gold mine
745Peech Tree Mine
753Impanema and Hungwe gold deposits
831Bubi Gold Mine
847Renco Mine
486 and 729River Ranch Diamond Mine
995Murowa Diamonds
1523Marange Alluvial Diamonds
85Perseverance Nickel Mine, Delcia Gold Mine
137Shackleton Copper Mine, Avondale Copper
92-3, 97-8 and 113-7Sandawana Emerald Mine
4, 42 and 82Mhangura and Nora Mine
3 and 16Silverside Copper Mine
15Umkondo Copper Mine
24 and 28Buchwa Iron Ore Mine
11Opheus Ore Deposit
35Alaska Copper Mine
38Empress Nickel Mine
57Inyala Chrome Mine
79Chegutu Limestone Deposit
80Shamrock Copper Mine
55, 72 and 178Trojan Nickel Mine
1041 and 184Madziwa Nickel Mine
169 and 231Shamva-Cymric Mine
171Jonnasch Gold Mine
181 and 195Gwaai River Copper Mine
204Inyati Copper Mine
239Epoch Nickel Deposit
233 and 352Shangani Nickel Deposit
22, 27, 77, and 78Copper Queen and Copper King mines
13Lubimbi Coalfields
19Tuli Coalfields
50 and 112Bubye Coalfields
127, 128, 130, 188, 189, 194, 203, and 260Great Dyke Investments Platinum =Nickel – Copper Deposit
391 and 406Zinc Mineralisation in the eastern portion of the Zambezi Metamorphic belt
446Sengwa Coal Deposit
578Kanyemba Uranium Deposit
601Royal Family Gold Mine
613Freda Rebecca Mine
628Expansion of Golden Kopje Mine
629Expansion of Blanket Mine
654Platinum Resources in the Snakehead (Great Dyke)
689Considerable Gold resources in the Dindi Greenstone Belt
692One Step gold deposit
721Maligeen gold mine
745Peech Tree Mine
753Impanema and Hungwe gold deposits
831Bubi Gold Mine
847Renco Mine
486 and 729River Ranch Diamond Mine
995Murowa Diamonds
1523Marange Alluvial Diamonds

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