13.4 C

Machete miners forced party lovers to go ‘homosexual’


Last week, the machete wielding miners popularly known as Mashurugwi forced some men who were drinking at a local bar in Rimuka Kadoma to hug and kiss each other passionately because they were partying with no woman gracing the occasion.

Rudairo Mapuranga

According to Zimbabwe Miners Federation Youth in Mining Chairperson Mr Timothy Chizuzu, the notorious gang allegedly said that the men who were drinking and partying without a single woman where gay and therefore were supposed to kiss each other passionately.

The gang who were armed with cutlasses and machetes commonly referred to as mabhemba pounded in the bar which was filled with only male party lovers, commanded everyone to sit and then closed all the exit spaces.

According to an eye witness, the Mashurugwi ordered those that had money to pay for their release and those without money remained hostages. The individuals who were remained in  the bar were ordered to kiss each other passionately after about 15 minutes of male kissing and cuddling, the group disappeared from the scene.

Machete gangs have been so rampant in Zimbabwe with the Central Intelligence Agents reportedly concerned with the way in which the police are handling the whole issue, fearing that a terror group might be created.

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