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Mashurugwi terrorism has declined in Kadoma


Speaking at the Environmental Impact Assessment launch held in Kadoma last week, Kadoma West house of assembly Constituency member Hon A Nkayi said Machetes miners notorious for terrorising communities have declined in number and popularity in Kadoma.

By Rudairo Mapuranga

Hon Nkayi who was the host Member of Parliament at the event held at Kwayedza School Patchway said that terrorism by the so-called “Mashurugwi” has declined. He also encouraged artisanal miners to desist from terrorising people as the long arm of the law will always catch up to them.

“Let us use machetes for clearing the land, it is not a good thing for us artisanal miners to use machetes as this will tarnish our image” said Hon Nkayi.

Nkayi also bemoaned the issue of EPOs and unused claims saying it is giving rise to illegal mining. He urged the government to give all unused claims to artisanal miners in order to boost production.

“The issue of epos is very destructive. My people are complaining because of these EPOs. The government must give artisanal miners these claims held for speculative purpose in order to boost production” he said.

Nkayi also said that the government should talk to large scale miners for them to offer tributary mining claims to small scale miners.

“There also people who are not using their claims and are refusing to offer tributaries to local aspiring miners the government should put a policy that encourages large scale mines to offer tributary mining claims to small scale miners,” said Nkayi.

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