Masvingo Mines office in corruption saga

Corruption 2

The Masvingo Provincial Mining office has been hit by corruption allegations with the Mining Engineering, Geology, and Survey departments sucked in what could be a criminal cartel meant to defraud miners of their mining rights.

Rudairo Mapuranga

The allegations of air pegging, backdating of applications, and double allocation of claims in the province have been labeled a sole creation of the Ministry’s deep-rooted cartel which is meant to defraud miners the chance to enjoy the country’s resources.

It is alleged that the mining engineering department led by Engineer Claud Shonhai with the blessings of the Provincial Mines Director is leading the cartel which works with Geologist Malunga and from Survey Chikoto.

The cartel is allegedly working to dispossess a Chrome mine claim with over 50 percent chrome samples prospected by TSMG mining syndicate in Chiremwaremwa Chegwite to give to Zimplats Geologist Tendai Manyange.

The saga

It is alleged that TSMG Mining syndicate sought pegging services to peg a chrome claim in Chegwite through Masvingo Mines Geologist named Malunga. Upon finding that the area was chrome rich TSMG Mining syndicate claims Malunga allegedly informed his colleagues to craft stories and excuses meant to deprive the TSMG of their right to own the claim legally.

It is said that the syndicate (TSMG) was initially advised that the area was free to peg, however after submission of notification and registration fee through the help of an approved Prospector named Tinashe (whose work was a reference from Engineer Claud Shonhai) the syndicate was told that the area was under Save conservative when the syndicate questioned the truth of the Ministry’s position, goal posts were shifted that the area was under ZMDC.

It is alleged that Chikoto and Shonhai then went to one of the TSMG director’s father and convinced him to partner with them to form a syndicate and peg the area. The story is that the officials of the Mines Ministry initially wanted to give the area to Tendai Manyange whose prospecting license application was done by Malunga.

Things done wrong

Malunga who is a permanent employee of the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development acted as a prospector when he pegged for TSMG Mining syndicate in Chegwite.

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According to the Prospector Tinashe, Malunga used his GPS equipment to take coordinates and collected prospecting or pegging and consultancy fees from TSMG syndicate this he did in Tinashe’s name since he’s an approved prospector. It is also alleged that TSMG syndicate was ordered to work with Tinashe by Engineer Shonhai against their rights to choose a prospector of their choice.

It is alleged that Manyange used one of the Mines officials to get a prospecting license instead of a consultant company, TSMG Mining syndicate believes that Shonhai was used to get the prospecting license. Tinashe admitted that he received  Manyange’s prospecting license from Malunga to peg him a claim.

However Manyange said he does not know anything regarding prospecting in Masvingo, he said he had never been anywhere outside Kadoma for a very long time.

“I stay in Ngezi work here and literally have been here for the past year and a half ever since lockdown. The only Ministry point I have set foot at is the Ministry of Lands in pursuit of my farming papers otherwise I still think you have the wrong person,” he said.

Shonhai did not answer the questions sent by Mining Zimbabwe, Malunga and Chikoto’s phones went unanswered.

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