Mine-grabbing cartels invade Kadoma


A sophisticated, dangerous and skimming mine-grabbing cartel has invaded the City of Gold (Kadoma) and the surrounding areas where the cartel has been grabbing mines owned by unsuspecting individuals and mining syndicates.

Many unsuspecting, suspecting and knowledgeable individuals have fallen prey to the skims of the cartel losing their mining concessions in part or in full. Miners in Kadoma say the cartel has been a distraction to the achievement of the US$12 billion mining industry as they are always creating disputes leading to the suspension of mining operations by the courts.

Who are the members of the mining cartel?

The cartel which compromises members of the security sector,  influential people, members of the Judiciary, officials from the Ministries of Local Governance, Mines and lands is under the brains of gold buyer mine grabbers.

How do they do it?

The skimmers of the cartel (gold buyers) will identify and investigate a small-scale gold mine that is consistently producing high grades. They then identify loopholes that they can use to create a dispute so that mining operations can be suspended by the court.

The well-connected cartel will do everything in its power to make sure that its case will always have an upper hand in the courts of law even though its case may be weak.

After creating disputes and taking the matters through the courts of law, the cartel makes sure that the case will never come out of court whilst operations are suspended as a way of making the miner desperate. (The miner will be accumulating debts from unpaid employees, lawyers and other costs related to the suspension of the operations thereby making him/her desperate to seek an outside court settlement.)

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The miner will then be approached by either or all from the security sector, the judiciary, Mines, Lands and Local Governance Ministry who then recommend him/her to approach a certain saviour (who is also part of the cartel) so that the person can help them. Unsuspecting that the person is part of the cartel, the miner will approach that person for help. The person before helping will make the miner signs a document claiming half or more from the mine after helping solve the dispute.


The miner will eventually win the dispute but will have to give part of his mine to the cartel due to their agreements.

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