Mine Machines, is a fully Zimbabwean based company, providing 30 years of nationwide innovation and support, to our growing mining industry.
The practical ethos of delivering BETTER SAFER MINING, through retained expertise, know-how and experience, has enabled Mine Machines to provide a full ‘suite’ of Trackless Mining Equipment, to suit the exact needs and operating conditions in this market.
The proven and familiar face of utility vehicle reliability has some new and exciting additions. UV Botswana are launching the next generation of underground and surface utility vehicles, designed and certified, to service Zimbabwe’s increasingly mechanised mining demands.
The recent launches of both the Rock Ranger 150 and Reef Rover 050 are notable success stories, both locally and abroad, as multi-purpose, mining compliant, underground supervisory and transportation vehicles. Several models afford applications as diverse as ambulance duties, through to service recovery, with hydraulic/pneumatic power take off functions also optional. These models have now been complimented with the latest utility vehicle addition, the Mine Scout, providing an ideal means to transport supervisors, technicians and artisans, with ample space for tools, spare parts and testing equipment.
A ‘work anywhere’, 4 x 4 utility machine for both open cast, through to low profile underground mines, available with mine safety compliances, as standard features. As with all models, the Mine Scout can be powered by Tier 2, through to Tier 4 type diesel engine options, providing superior centre articulation, manoeuvrability, vehicle safety and operator comfort – Air conditioning is also offered.
How many breakdowns can your Artisans ‘now’ attend to, in a single Shift?”
The UV –UT18P MINEBUS (18 MAN) has also been designed from the pedigree established by this successful 4 tonne range of Utility vehicles. The first low profile, rigid frame personnel carrier, to carry 18 passengers, will soon be delivered. This unit is equipped with bench seating which can be removed, allowing the vehicle to perform roles other than personnel transport if required.
With this proven technology and the experience gained, a complete 8 tonne range, more suited to support conventional mining operations, is now available.
The first of the new designs, was for a scissor lift utility vehicle, built for installation work in headings with a 6m height. Fitting of vent fans, ducting and other services can be safely and efficiently carried out using the 3 tonne work platform. This was followed by the 8 tonne personnel (Up to 32 people) carrier, as well as a Dump truck, intended for hard rock and tunneling operations.
These exciting developments has allowed for expansion into areas outside of the sub region. The latest unit to roll off the UV production lines is a dedicated lube/fuel carrier, with up to a 5000 litre capacity. The vehicle can be configured to meet customer specific requirements, with modular tank design to prevent cross contamination of multiple products. As a proud and direct service link, Mine Machines’ continues to have success in the supply of equipment and associated products. Adequate levels of suitably trained and accredited staff, ensures a strong technical support foundation, including field service and product support backup.
Tel : +263 9 77827 / 77929 / 60528
Cell: + 263 77 214 4737
Email: commercial.sales@minemachines.co.zw