24.4 C

Mine Rescue National competitions underway


ELEVEN Mine rescue teams are currently battling it out at the Mine Rescue National competitions currently underway at Jena Mine in Kwekwe.

Zimplats Mining, Zimplats SMC, Unki, Renco, Vubachikwe, Freda Rebecca, Redwing, Hwange, Mimosa, How mine and Blanket mine have been conducting rescue operations since 04:15hrs today in an effort to crown the best-coordinated team in emergency mine rescue operations under the banner of the Mine Rescue Association of Zimbabwe.

The teams had to act on a written instruction that stated,” A crew of 5 tramming employees was working in 101m level of the Wankie shaft. It has been reported that a premature detonation occurred at 248mL N38 Sector. Your task is to proceed underground to verify the effect of the premature detonation on the N15 section. Check the following condition:

  1. Ventilation
  2. Visibility
  3. Ground and any other

The five main things that are being tested are

  1. Map reading
  2. Emergency procedures adherence
  3. Leadership and teamwork
  4. Physical fitness and endurance

The Mine Rescue Association of Zimbabwe was established in 1972 following the Hwange Colliery Mine disaster which killed 427 employees at the No. 2 Shaft.

The disaster exposed the gap in the industry for effective mine rescue structures that can respond to emergency rescue needs.

The Association consists of rescue teams that are equipped to operate in fresh air and irrespirable atmosphere. It develops operating standards and conducts training for all brigades-persons that are certified to undertake mine rescue. The teams are placed into zones where they provide rescue services within their respective zones. The geographic spread of teams within a zone is structured to ensure the minimum response times to rescue callouts. The country has 3 ones with 12 teams which operate (three mines operate 2 teams each) in irrespirable atmospheres. The mine Rescue Association encourages every mine to operate a fresh air rescue teams that presents the first line of response should there be a need. Such teams ensure reduced response times.

Results will be announced in due course.

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