Police at Makosa in Mutoko have arrested seven illegal miners on allegations of masquerading as police officers and members of the Zimbabwe National Army.
They were arrested after invading Ngororombe Mine.
Police recovered three pairs of handcuffs and a Toyota Wish that was being used as a getaway vehicle.
The men invaded Ngororombe Mine, Chief Nechombo, Mudzi on 15/01/20 at about 1200 hours in a blue Toyota Wish AEV 9536. They allegedly arrested 2 mine workers, assaulted them with logs and took over the mining activities. A report was promptly made to the Police leading to their arrest and the recovery of 3 pairs of handcuffs, a button stick, and the Toyota wish vehicle.
Last week, 77 illegal miners were sentenced to two years in prison each by a circuit court in Shamva for illegal mining, while 112 got 50 days each on charges of criminal trespass.
The court remanded another 66 in custody pending trial and fined two for illegal possession of marijuana, one $80 (or 30 days) and one $500 (or five months).
More than 1 000 illegal structures have been demolished in the Mazowe area.