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Miners oppose EPOs applications


Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF), the umbrella body representing small-scale miners, is opposing applications for Exclusive Prospecting Orders (EPOs) made by 11 local and international mining companies, which are currently under consideration by the mining affairs board.

In a communique to the Mines minister, Winston Chitando, ZMF stated that they objected to the EPOs applications as they were against national interests.

“The applications in their current form and scope are against the national interest of Zimbabwe and are harmful to the economic empowerment and social development of women in Zimbabwe,” read the letter dated January 28, 2019.

“While it is understood that there is a need as a nation to explore and quantify our mineral resources using modern and up-to-date techniques to boost national investments, the progress to date concerning the uplifting of our nation’s indigenous women will be adversely affected, resulting in the loss of economic empowerment gains achieved since independence.”

ZMF spokesperson Dosman Mangisi told NewsDay yesterday that one of the reasons for objecting to the EPOs applications was that some of the applications covered residential areas.

The EPOs mostly cover the Midlands and Masvingo provinces.

Some of the applicants include Canlite Mining Exploration (Pvt) Ltd, Infield Mining Exploration, Pearline Mining Exploration (Pvt) Ltd, DGL Investments, Zulu Lithium (Pvt) Ltd, Zimthai Tantalum (Pvt) Ltd, Primecraft Investments, Lambourne Limestone, Sinamatella Investments, Triminzim (Pvt) Ltd and RioZim.
The EPOs applications that are under consideration involve minerals such as gold, diamonds, lithium and uranium.


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