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Mines to Energy Park to place Zim amongst Lithium battery producers


The establishment of the country’s first Mines to Energy Park in Mapinga Mashonaland West Province will make Zimbabwe a producer of lithium-ion batteries, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has said.
Rudairo Mapuranga
Speaking at the signing ceremony to approve the proposed Mines to Energy Park by Chinese investors Eagle Canyon International Group Holding Limited and Pacific Goal Investment that will see the processing of metals including graphite, nickel, chrome, lithium, copper and platinum, Mnangagwa said the park will place the country amongst one of the biggest battery producers in the world.
“The Mines to Energy Park will augment my government’s thrust on value addition and beneficiation of minerals as well as bolster the crucial role that mineral value chains in the national industrialisation agenda. The proposed Mines to Energy Park will mark the inception of lithium-ion battery value chain in Zimbabwe. It is set to place Zimbabwe amongst the world producers of lithium-ion batteries while contributing to the growth of a resilient clean global energy economy,” President Mnangagwa said.
Speaking at the same event the country’s Vice President Dr Constantine Chiwenga said the Mines to Energy park is going to make Zimbabwe commit to a clean energy future.
“Since the inception of the Second Republic, Zimbabwe has been the favourite destination for investors from around the world.
 “The mining to energy park is not only going to boost Zimbabwe’s economic growth and development, but it indicates Zimbabwe’s commitment towards clean energy.
“Our country is thus well positioned to capitalise on the significant opportunities presented by the lithium-ion battery era,” VP Chiwenga said.

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