Mliswa, Nduna dropped from Parly committees

PARLIAMENT has removed Norton and Chegutu West legislators, Mr Temba Mliswa and Cde Dexter Nduna, from their positions as portfolio committee chairpersons.

Mr Mliswa was the chairperson of the Mines and Mining Development Committee while Cde Nduna was the chairman of the  committee on Transport and Infrastructural Development.

The two clashed last month during a meeting of the Portfolio Committee of Mines and Mining Development leading to a war of words in the presence of other legislators and officials.

However, they have since apologised to the Speaker for their disorderly conduct. 

The Speaker of Parliament, Advocate Jacob Mudenda, on Thursday announced the re-appointment of members of the dissolved Mines committee leaving out Mr Mliswa.

“I would like to inform the House that all members of the dissolved Mines and Mining Development Committee have been reappointed to the same Committee except Honourable Temba Mliswa and Honourable Nduna,” he said.

Advocate Mudenda said Mr Mliswa had been replaced as chairperson by Zanu-PF MP for Shurugwi South Edmond Mkaratigwa.

 The Speaker also removed Cde Nduna as chairperson of the committee on Transport and Infrastructural Development, replacing him with the Zanu-PF MP for Shamva North, Cde Oscar Gorerino. 

“I also wish to inform the House that Honourable Gorerino has been appointed Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Infrastructural Development. The Committee membership remains unchanged except that Hon. D. Nduna is no longer a member of that Portfolio Committee,” said Adv Mudenda.

Last month, Parliament’s Committee on Standing Rules and Orders dissolved the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Mines and Mining Development and set up a Privileges Committee to investigate allegations that Mr Mliswa and three others demanded a $400 000 bribe from a local businessman intending to mine in Hwange.

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The SROC resolved to reconstitute the portfolio committee after it felt that the relationship among members was so bad that they could not conduct meaningful business.

It also noted that members of the Mr Mliswa-led committee were likely to trade accusations that would lead to acrimonious exchanges each time they met.

On Wednesday, Adv Mudenda announced that the tenure of the Privileges Committee to investigate allegations of soliciting for a bribe by some Members of the Portfolio Committee on Mines and Mining Development had been extended to May 9_The Chronicle

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