Murowa diamonds plane crash claims 6 lives

Murowa Diamonds plane

Six people were killed when a Murowa Diamonds plane crashed in the Zvamahande area near Mashava, Masvingo province.

The cause of the crash which happened at around 7 AM is yet to be established as investigations are currently underway.

There are allegations that in the plane were also members of the Management team although sources declined to name the two.

Murowa Plane Accident history

In February of 2023 a light plane owned by Murowa (Private) Limited, force-landed near Beatrice. The plane was carrying a parcel of diamonds which were being transported under armed guard by police and private security officials.

The Piper 31 Navajo aircraft landed on a field about 16km from Beatrice and had five people on board.

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Police reported that no one was killed in the crash, but five people on board were injured and taken to hospital for treatment.


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