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Search results: Bulawayo Mining Company

Murowa brightens diamonds prospects for Chivi

A small camp has been growing by the month, from about 10 employees in March last year and now the number has swelled to an estimated 60 workers.Sese Growth Point, some 52km South West of Masvingo...

Top ten gold producers in Zimbabwe 2019

For the past decade, the country’s mining sector has been facing a myriad of challenges ranging from fluctuating global mineral prices, subdued working capital and above all brain drain due to prevailing economic challenges.However, despite the prevailing...

Hwange audit exposes Tundiya corruption

The Forensic audit at Hwange Colliery has exposed suspected acts of sabotage carried out by Shepherd Tundiya with a view to taking over control of the coal miner.Tundiya last year allegedly attempted to remove Mota Engil...

Govt to pursue local lithium beneficiation

Zimbabwe intends to vigorously  pursue local value addition of its lithium resources to maximise  export earnings from the mineral, a cabinet Minister has said.Lithium is used to make various items including special glasses  and ceramics, lithium-ion...

Prospect Resources eyes rechargeable batteries market

AUSTRALIA Stock Exchange (ASX) listed Zimbabwe lithium producer Prospect Resources, says it is well positioned to tap the rechargeable batteries market whose share of the lithium batteries market is projected to sky-rocket from the current 54...

Masvingo quarry firm growing in leaps, bounds

Located 7km from Masvingo City along the Bulawayo Highway, is one of the fastest growing mining firms in the province that is into quarry extraction and taking advantage of the construction boom in the country’s oldest...

Zim secures $6m investment for RHA Tungsten?

Premier African Minerals has announced that it has received notice from the Zimbabwe Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Enterprise Development that is has secured a proposed investment of $6-million for the RHA Tungsten project being developed...

Falgold fails to publish financial results

LISTED miner Falcon Gold Zimbabwe has failed to publish its financial results for the financial year to September 30 this year, citing operational challenges which have been worsened by inadequate foreign currency allocations by the Reserve...

Zimbabwe seek lithium market

Zimbabwe is on the verge of attaining global prominence through the widely sought after lithium after fledgling lithium mining company, Prospect Resources, recently exported 100 kilogrammes of lithium carbonate — used in the production of electric...

Ten mines that Zimbabwe should urgently revive

Resource-rich Zimbabwe is home to a whopping 800 mines, some of which were shut down or placed under care and maintenance in the past two decades, for various reasons.By Justice ZhouThese include a fall in the...

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