Portfolio Committee on Mines mourns Chikomba

Leonard Chikomba

The Edmond Mkaratigwa led Portfolio Committee on Mines and Mining Development has expressed sadness on the death of fellow member Hon Leonard Chikomba.

Chikomba (67) was a member of parliament for Gokwe-Kabuyuni and a member of the Portfolio Committee on Mines and Mining Development. The 67-year-old lawmaker was returning from a Zanu PF meeting in Gweru on Saturday evening when he was involved in a car accident 20km from Chitekete.

Speaking to Mining Zimbabwe Mkaratigwa said the committee lost a dedicated cadre who strived to create an atmosphere of unity in the committee.

“It is indeed a sad day for our Portfolio Committee and Parliament at large. We have lost a member whose dedication to duty is unquestionable. Hon. Chikomba strove his best, to create an atmosphere of unity in the committee and a sense of common nationality among members from across the political divide”.

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“We are saddened and I implore his family and Members of Parliament to take pride in his achievements and personality which are a legacy which lives on beyond physical absence. We drew lessons and inspiration through his life and indeed, he is among the many who’s going has taught us that life on earth is for a time, that will end, hence we use it to impact and impart”.

We need more of such nationalists who serve with dedication, with the desire that goes beyond themselves to national interests, and may this soul that died in the course of duty rest in peace, as there is no better honour than for a hero to die in combat as has happened to Hon. Cde Chikomba,” Mkaratigwa concluded.

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