17.7 C

Prosecutors ordered to go hard on Machete criminals


The National Director of Public Prosecution Mr Uladi early this year in a memo sent to all provincial heads ordered all prosecutors to fight for custodian sentences on all cases involving the use of Machetes.

Rudairo Mapuranga

The National Director according to the memo said that the move was carried out due to the rising of machete crimes especially among the small scale and artisanal mining sector.

He said that it was of importance for prosecutors to oppose bail and request for custodian sentences on these machete-wielding criminals.

“We have noted with concern the upsurge the number of cases of violence involving the use of machete especially by illegal artisanal miners.”

” In a bid to stamp out the scourge, you are hereby directed to oppose bail and to request for custodian sentences in the event of any conviction in all such cases. Be guided accordingly” he said.

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