17.7 C

Registration/ Renewal as a Custom Milling Center (SI 329,2002; SI 178,2006)


Registration/ Renewal as a Custom Milling Center (SI 329,2002; SI 178,2006)

1.1 Every Custom Milling Plant must be registered before it can operate.

1.2 The Custom Milling licenses expire every 31st December.

1.3 Renewal of Custom Milling Licenses are done every 12 months to the Mining Commissioner for the district under which they are registered.

1.4 Registration and/ or renewal requirements are as follows:

  • The Custom Mill shall pay a renewal fee that the Ministry shall decide from time to time.
  • The Custom Mill shall obtain an Environmental Impact Assessment Certificate (EIA).
  • The Mill shall be inspected by the Regional Mining Engineer, Regional Surveyor and Regional Metallurgist approved by the Director for Metallurgy.

1.5 Once the Mill complies with these and other requirements, the Secretary shall issue a Registration or Renewal License whichever the case may be.

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