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Rushwaya hits back at Matutu


After implicated by the deputy secretary for ZANU PF youth affairs Lewis Matutu as one of the corrupt individuals in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) president Henrietta Rushwaya has hit back at Matutu calling the ZANU PF youth leader a corrupt front-runner.

Mirirai Ngoya/Rudairo Mapuranga

According to Rushwaya, Matutu asked the ZMF boss for mining equipment which she refused with requesting that the ZANU PF youth leader produces a mining certificate and the name of the association that he represents in order to be assisted.

“Matutu asked for Mining Equipment from me on Friday and I told him to produce a mining certificate and if that makes me a Cartel leader, then so be it. I simply asked him to produce a mining certificate, and the name of the Association that he represents in order for me to assist him” said Rushwaya.

The ZMF boss also said that she warned Matutu to desist from the old habit of corruption that the old ZANU PF was known for since the party and the country is under new leadership that has a different approach when it comes to the way business is conducted.

“I even warned him against doing things in a manner they were used to because the new Government is against corrupt leadership” she added.

Rushwaya backed her allegations saying that the evidence against Matutu can be easily be obtained at Econet wireless.

“Econet can even print out Matutu’s incoming call to me on Friday around 15.30hrs,” said Rushwaya.

She added saying that Matutu’s corrupt allegations against her were sour grapes on her refusal with the mining equipment.

“If denying non-miners access to equipment is a crime, so be it. Our equipment is not for Zanu Pf Youth League Sheffs, it’s for Miners” Henrietta Rushwaya said.

Matutu named a number of ZANU PF members including Obert Mpofu and Prisca Mupfumira, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Governor Dr John Mangudya as well as ZMF President Henrietta Rushwaya for being involved in illegal foreign currency dealings and corruption.

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