SA launches a R50 million Jagersfontein relief fund


The Minerals Council South Africa has launched an internal emergency Jagersfontein Relief Fund for its members to contribute towards urgent humanitarian assistance, the clean-up of the affected area, and to assist with the reconstruction of infrastructure after the collapse of a tailings dam at the Free State town.

Minerals Council President, Nolitha Fakude, CEO, Roger Baxter, and the Council’s senior executives have been in regular engagement with Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe, Chief Inspector of Mines, David Msiza, and the Department Director-General, Jacob Mbele, about possible assistance the industry could provide affected communities.

While the owners of the Jagersfontein assets are not Minerals Council members, the Council sent a senior technical team to the site on Monday to assess the damage and establish what the industry could do to assist families and the affected communities.

Council President visited the site with Minister Mantashe to gain first-hand insight into the tragedy and to guide the Minerals Council’s relief efforts. “Based on our assessment of the situation, we believe urgent steps must be implemented to provide emergency assistance, including contributing funds to provide
food aid and shelter, to assist in the clean-up and contribute to some rebuilding for those affected by the disaster,” says Fakude.

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The Minerals Council set a target of R50 million for the Jagersfontein Relief Fund and it has requested contributions from its member companies and associations. The funds will be administered by the Minerals Council, which will be accountable to its Board on how they are spent. An additional request was made for Minerals Council members to provide temporary shelters and other forms of assistance, where practically possible.

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